Need to create a Monthy top IT tips for users to post top tips.

As you probably well know, it is one thing to set goals and a. We decided to provide a report card on how each of us did working through the list of potential reads. Last year I set some book goals, and so did my co-host.
Not sure about an actual PS driver for that particular inkjet

I understand but what type of printer and drivers do you have installed at your house? Citrix is not in my area of expertise, I was only trying to provide some possible solutions and stimulate your thought processes to come up with something. The printer may be the one you speak of but keep in mind I mentioned even with my own credentials and my own mac at home im unable to get the redirection to work but it works fine with my pc no problem Course this could be totally off base to the discussion as well. This might provide an answer, the article seems infers that the Citrix requires PS which likely the inkjet being used does not support.